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Leadership Purpose with Dr. Robin

Aug 31, 2022

Palena Neale, Ph.D. is an executive and leadership coach, and educator who is highly experienced in leadership development. She founded Mentoring Exchanges – a mentorship service that matches international development professionals with global executives and academics.

Palena lectures at MBA programs and delivers...

Aug 24, 2022

After a forty-year teaching career, Peggy Bell continued her love for writing and is the author of her newest book, “Stuck to Unstoppable: Living Life with Power, Passion, and Purpose. She also became a certified coach and event speaker.

She is now an international best-selling author and has written for print and...

Aug 17, 2022

Sara Sheehan, PCC is a consultant and executive coach who works with C-Level executive leaders. Through executive coaching, Sara helps leaders grow in their careers and increase their performance.

During Sara’s 25+ years in business, she has worked with leaders, teams, and organizations in Fortune 100 companies...

Aug 10, 2022

Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher are the Co-Founders and Teachers of "The Body of 9 System". 

Susan and Martin are also authors of the book, "The Body of 9 – Decode Your Physiology and Discover Your True Self."

In this book, Susan and Martin share their research on the origins of The Body of 9 system and their...

Aug 3, 2022

Michelle Fishering is a serial entrepreneur, a regenerative farmer, a pioneering vintner, a voracious reader, a deep thinker, and a bit of a modern-day Renaissance woman.

Michelle is the Founder and CEO of Chambre Bleue, a boutique publishing house inspired by the iconic 17th-century French salon. She publishes...